The Maltese breed is an ancient dog breed going back many centuries; as far back as 5000 to 2000 B.C. It is a common misconception to believe that the Maltese dog breed originated in Malta, a small Mediterranean island.
Historical evidence from ancient artworks and writings provide evidence that the Maltese dog originated in Asia and traveled with nomadic tribes to the then trade center ‘Malta‘.
General Description
The Maltese is a hardy little dog with a silky white coat. Their coats are single and have no undercoat as with other breeds. The coat is straight and has no kinks or curls. They are ideal apartment dogs as they require little exercise and will cope quite happily without a yard. They do enjoy a walk though and will happily go along for walks outdoors.
Maltese Temperament
In general, they are a highly spirited dog with a lively and playful temperament. As with other toy breeds, these dogs are usually very intelligent and can easily pick up tricks if trained sufficiently. This intelligence also shows through when they are guarding their territory. They make excellent guard dogs as all members of the household will be warned if any unusual noises are heard.
Their temperament is similar to some other small dog breeds. They are a faithful, sociable breed that is keen to get on with other dogs. They enjoy exercising outside and will join in with your family activities. Be aware though that the Maltese breed can often be impatient with inconsiderate children. It may be advisable for a family with very small children, to wait until the children are slightly more aware of how to look after pets before getting a Maltese.
The Maltese will normally grow between 8 and 10 inches for the males and between 8 and 9 inches for the females. Their average weight is around 3 to 4 Kg.
Possible Health Problems
Some health problems that you may experience with a Maltese are digestion, teeth, and eyes and sometimes skin. Is hot sunny weather, the Maltese may get sun burnt as they have fair skin and the coat is usually parted. Their digestion can sometimes get upset as well.
Grooming The Maltese
Due to the quality and color of the coat, the Maltese require diligent grooming. Daily brushing is essential and the eyes, mouth and beard area will need cleaning after every meal to prevent the white coat becoming stained. The ears should also be kept in check to prevent hair growing into the ear canal. You can have your Maltese clipped if the grooming needs become too much.